As You Age, Every Year You Need 5 Minutes Less Sleep At Night

Up to the end of my teenage years I needed 9 hours sleep every night just to function during the day.

In my mid twenty’s at university (yes, I went late) I noticed that I needed only 8.

And now, in my 30’s I need only 7.5 hours.

I’m sure you’ve heard that many active retired people only need a few hours per night?

Imagine how much we could all get done in our lives if that was the case for all of us!

I can’t wait!

I’ve calculated that as you age, every year I’ve needed 5 minutes less sleep at night.

That’s almostĀ one second less sleep at night, every night, since my peak of 9 hours when I was 18.

Here’s the math:

  • 9 hours of sleep at 18 years old
  • 7.5 hours of sleep at 35 years old
  • 9 hours of sleep – 7.5 hours of sleep = 1.5 x 60 minutes in an hour = 90 minutes
  • 35 years old – 18 years old = 17 years
  • 90 minutes no longer required / 17 years = 5.29 minutes per year
  • 5.29 per year x 60 seconds in a minute = 317.6 seconds less sleep per year
  • 317.6 / 365 days in a year = 0.87 seconds per day
  • 0.87 seconds per day x 7 days per week = 6.09 seconds per week

By this reckoning, when I’m 120 years old I’ll be awake around the clock!

  • 7.5 hours x 60 minutes per hour = 450 minutes
  • 450 minutes / 5.29 minutes less per year = 85 years to go
  • 85 years to go + 35 years old currently = 120 years old when I’ll be awake around the clock

Have you had a similar experience?

Tell your story in the comments below.