Does Anyone Use The Coffee-Type Indicators On Paper Cup Lids?

black-coffee-cup-lidI think the little press-down indicators on the top of the lids for paper cups are a brilliant invention.

For example, let’s say you are going to McDonalds and you are getting 5 hot beverages:

  1. Black coffee
  2. Black decaf coffee
  3. White coffee with sugar
  4. White decaf coffee
  5. Hot chocolate

If the McDonalds staff member pressed down the appropriate buttons on the plastic lids, you can see at a glance which hot beverage is which.

So why don’t staff ever use them?


And another one: Many pizza boxes have similar indicators on the side of the box. And example is Hell Pizza.  They have every flavour of pizza listed on the side of the box, all the staff member would have to do it circle the flavour with a pen.

A few times I’ve had parties when we’ve ordered 6 or more pizza’s and it would have been very handy to actually know which flavour we had in front of us.

But Hell Pizza employees never mark the pizza flavour on the side of the box either.


I just feel sorry for the dude that invented these things, got them accepted into mainstream but they don’t get used in practice.
